Simplify WordPress updates using these sequential WP CLI commands

Updating WordPress can really start to grind on me. Everyone is constantly releasing updates for their plugins and the core team are pushing to release more and more core updates all the time.

Seeing the update notification can be a real bummer.

So, to keep it easy, I just bang through all updates using a few WP CLI commands strung together into this nice one-liner;

wp plugin update –all && wp language plugin update –all && wp theme update –all && wp language theme update –all && wp core update –force && wp language core update

This will go through and update all themes, plugins, and the WordPress core along with language updates for each. Yay!

I don’t actually use the whole command myself because typing that out each time would suck. Instead, I’ve set up an alias in my ~/.bashrc file to keep it easy. It looks like this;

alias wp-update-all="wp plugin update –all && wp language plugin update –all && wp theme update –all && wp language theme update –all && wp core update –force && wp language core update"

With the alias in place, all I need to do is enter wp-update-all and hit the return key…then wait, of course.

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